My biggest challenge: Begin with the end in mind.
I am a "right now" thinker. It is often hard for me to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Although I know I will leave this class much wiser and more tech-savvy, it is hard for me to envision being finished. I feel like I will never be done (probably because it is summer time)! I will have to really focus on reminding myself how excited I will be at the end to go share all my new learning with my school!
The easiest for me: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
After completing my master's degree, I feel like I can do anything! Getting through some of those classes was quite challenge for me, but because I did, I gained a lot of confidence. If I can do that, I can do anything!
Most important for me: Teach/mentor others.
If I don't teach a new skill I have learned, I am prone to forget it. It will be very important to me over the summer to teach the new skills to some body. Since I will not be in school to teach the little people, I will be teaching my husband...he doesn't know it yet! Isn't he lucky? :)
I'm sure your husband will love it;)