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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thing #7

Commenting...I know I should do it, but I don't! I am a self-professed lurker. I do love to read blogs and all the comments that follow, but I never really felt comfortable putting my own two cents in to the mix. After reading all the blogs about commenting, I realize how important it is to the author of the blog and to the comment conversation. I know I always feel acknowledged when I get comments and that feeling fuels me to add more posts. I need to think about that when I am reading other people's blogs. I want them to know I am paying attention and that I care. This will be something I have to conscoiusly work on but I will...I will start commenting! I am going to start with finding one positive thing about the blog and making that my comment. Maybe that will ease me into the commenting world:)


  1. I too am a "lurker." I do not like to leave comments because I think other people can probably say it better than I can. I'm working on the comments but selectively. What if I say something STUPID or my comments really don't add to the discussion? All issues I'm working on with this class.

  2. I think most of us are "lurkers," especially if we are new to the blogosphere. I honestly forget that I have the power to comment! We can all take baby steps towards being more empowered commenters (is that even a word?). :)
